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A Complete Guide on IELTS  Speaking Part 3

Speaking Part 3 overview

  1. What is your favorite sport?

  2. Do you think that football is the most popular sport all around the world? Why?

In the question sentences above, you can see both are all about sport. But you can clearly see the difference between the questions. The first question is a speaking part 1 question, and the second one is a speaking part 3 question.


Lets get some important information about the speaking part 3:

  • In this part the examiner will ask you further questions that are related to the topic discussed in part 2.

  • The number of questions will be more in part 3 than that of part 2.

  • This part will last for 4-5 minutes, a little longer than the previous part. 

  • You will be asked some abstract questions that will encourage you express your opinions, feelings, thoughts etc.

  • Regardless the topic or thought etc. you will only be assessed on your speaking skill.

It is the examiner's opportunity to stretch you in this part as it's a two-way discussion question section. In fact, it's also your chance to impress the examiner as you are getting enough time to showcase your speaking. 

The basic information you must remember

  • Many students panic about unfamiliar topic. This is an absolutely unnecessary panic disorder. Because, you know it is a language test, not a knowledge test. Questions are designed in a way that anyone can answer them, regardless their age or academic background.


  • It might be an issue that you are not understanding a question clearly. This situation may arise because of the topic unfamiliarity or  examiner's accent or something else. Whatever the reason behind your not understanding the question, just ask the examiner smartly to repeat the question. There is nothing wrong with asking politely to repeat. But remember, don't do it every time, the examiner might get irritated.​

  • Unlike part 2, here in part 3 you will need to answer after each question you are asked. Even if you don't know some answers, still you will have to keep going. You can resort to some strategies like: Using some phrases which mean that the question seems difficult to you and you are struggling to answer on this topic. Thus you can keep speaking.


  • Remember, don't stop yourself unless you are stopped by the examiner. Paraphrasing the question can be another interesting approach. Just reiterate the question sentence that examiner said, repeat it in your own words. It will not create any negative impression, rather it will demonstrate your command on lexical resources in terms of verbal communication.


  • You can also extend your answer using the same strategies that you use for part 2, that means giving examples, showing reasons etc. can help you keep speaking smartly even if you run out of your thought. 

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