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More and More Young People are Leaving School but Unable to Find Jobs - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample

Updated: Mar 19

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs.

What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals and the society?

What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among youngsters?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay - In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs.

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Model Essay 1

The escalating challenge of youth unemployment across various nations is not only alarming but poses dire consequences for both individuals and communities. This essay contends that the lack of job opportunities for the younger generation leads to profound personal disillusionment and societal disharmony, advocating for the need of robust policy interventions and innovative workforce integration strategies.

At the heart of the unemployment crisis lies the stark reality faced by young individuals - a journey marked by uncertainty and frustration. The inability to secure employment after years of formal education not only dampens the spirit but also leads to a pervasive sense of exclusion from the economic mainstream. This isolation is often accompanied by an increase in mental health concerns, including anxiety and a sense of worthlessness, further alienating them from society. On a broader scale, the ripple effects of this disenchantment are felt across the community, manifesting in increased dependency on social welfare systems and a potential rise in antisocial behaviors, as disillusioned youth seek alternatives to gain societal recognition.

Addressing this critical issue demands a multifaceted approach, starting with the reformation of educational curricula to align more closely with the dynamic demands of the global economy. Schools and universities should pivot towards offering practical skills training and apprenticeships, facilitating smoother transitions from classrooms to careers. Parallelly, governments and the private sector must forge partnerships to drive innovation in job creation, particularly in green and technology sectors, where young people can contribute to sustainable development and the digital economy. Such initiatives would not only provide meaningful employment but also harness the potential of young minds in solving contemporary challenges.

In summary, youth unemployment is a pressing issue that necessitates immediate and concerted efforts to bridge the gap between education and employment. Through educational reform and strategic job creation, it is possible to transform the current crisis into an opportunity for societal growth and innovation, thereby ensuring that young individuals are not only employed but are pivotal in shaping the future.

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Model Essay 2

In many nations, a growing trend of young individuals facing unemployment post-education poses significant concerns. This essay argues that youth unemployment not only cultivates personal despair and societal imbalance but necessitates targeted educational and economic reforms. Key discussion in the essay will revolve around the impacts on mental health and societal costs, alongside proposing education system enhancements and job creation strategies as potential remedies.

Youth unemployment seeds deep-rooted issues, beginning with the individual's psychological well-being. The relentless search for employment, often fruitless, can lead to a decline in self-esteem and a surge in mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. This personal crisis extends into the societal fabric, exacerbating social inequalities. As young adults struggle to secure stable incomes, the economic divide widens, fostering environments ripe for crime and social unrest. Furthermore, the lack of workforce participation among the youth stunts national economic growth, depriving societies of innovative contributions and fresh perspectives in various industries.

To mitigate these adverse effects, comprehensive measures must be implemented. Firstly, an overhaul of the educational system is imperative, with a focus on skill-based learning and vocational training tailored to current market demands. This approach would ensure students are job-ready upon graduation, bridging the gap between academic qualifications and real-world requirements. Additionally, government and private sector collaboration is crucial in creating employment opportunities. Initiatives such as entrepreneurship programs, tax incentives for companies hiring young professionals, and investment in emerging sectors can stimulate job creation, offering a sustainable solution to youth unemployment.

In conclusion, the ramifications of youth unemployment extend beyond individual plight to societal challenges, necessitating a dual approach of educational reform and economic stimulation to address this issue effectively. By aligning education with market needs and fostering job growth, we can pave the way for a future where young individuals are not only employed but are instrumental in driving forward national progress and innovation.

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Model Essay 3

In many nations, youth unemployment has grown to be a serious problem as more and more young people abandon their studies but are unable to find jobs. This circumstance has the potential to exacerbate social unrest and harm people's psychological well-being. However, governments may assist young people in acquiring the skills they need to enter the workforce and lower the rate of youth unemployment by offering training and educational opportunities.

Youth unemployment can cause dissatisfaction, despondency, and low self-esteem on an individual level. Young individuals may feel discouraged and lose faith in their talents when they are unable to obtain employment. Their physical and mental health may suffer as a result, and a cycle of disadvantage and poverty may arise. Youth unemployment may lead to much greater societal repercussions. When a large number of young people are unemployed, there may be more social instability and criminality, and the general public may feel more pessimistic and disillusioned. Additionally, it implies that a significant portion of the population is losing their talents and energy to the economy, which might be detrimental to the growth and success of the economy as a whole.

However, offering suitable possibilities for training and education can significantly lower young unemployment. Governments ought to fund initiatives that assist young people in acquiring the skills required for the workforce. This can entail opening up opportunities for apprenticeships, internships, and vocational training as well as providing financial assistance to businesses who hire young people. For instance, the government in Germany funds businesses to help them develop apprenticeships, which has dramatically lowered young unemployment.

In conclusion, youth unemployment has the power to exacerbate societal unrest and inflict extreme distress on those who experience it. However, by offering young people the training and educational facilities they need to enter the workforce, governments can equip them with the necessary skills and reduce the high rate of youth unemployment.

Model Essay 4

Obtaining employment for high school students who want to give up studying has always been an issue. This could have a negative effect on the young person, such as mental health problems. Furthermore, society will also see a decline in educated adults, leading to the decrease of qualified personnel. In my opinion, the government should motivate companies to employ students by, for instance, assisting in paying their wages.

Finding a job for teenagers could prove to be very difficult, as companies do not often employ uneducated and unskilled people. As a consequence, the youth’s mental health could be seriously affected by low self-esteem, assuming they are undeserving of any position they are applying for resulting in a belief that they are undeserving of any positions they apply for. Moreover, the future of society will also be affected by such trend, as these juveniles do not acquire a high school degree, making it impossible to obtain any type of qualification or trade. As a result, the country could have insufficient skilled people to cover the demand of employment.

To minimise youth unemployment, there is a very effective solution, for example, the government should allocate a certain amount of the yearly budget to helping companies pay wages for young people. This would encourage commercial businesses to recruit them. In addition, such budget could also help initiate a range of short courses that could be undertaken in the community to give the youth’s basic training before applying for certain jobs.

To sum up, adolescents should be highly encouraged to finish high school in order to create a more educated society. However, governments and the public should contribute to solving youth unemployment by prompting companies to employ them and by instructing them on basic training.

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