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Teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult..(Band 9 Essay)

Updated: Jun 27

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample - Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.

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Sample Essay 1

The debate over whether the zenith of happiness occurs during adolescence or in adulthood is a perennial one. On one hand, the teenage years are often romanticized as a period of freedom and discovery, whereas adulthood is acknowledged for its fulfillment derived from achievements and relationships, albeit accompanied by greater responsibilities. This essay will explore both perspectives before concluding with a personal stance that adult life, despite its challenges, offers a more profound and enduring sense of happiness.

Adolescence is undeniably marked by a sense of exploration and minimal responsibilities, which can contribute to a heightened sense of joy. Teenagers are in the process of discovering their identities, passions, and friendships, experiences that are fresh and exhilarating. The freedom to experiment, coupled with the support system of family and school, creates a unique environment where life feels less burdensome. Furthermore, the lack of financial and familial obligations allows teenagers to live in the moment, making this phase seem blissfully carefree. For instance, the excitement of a first love or the thrill of achieving a personal goal, like winning a school competition, epitomizes the peak experiences of teenage years.

However, adulthood brings its own set of satisfactions that are arguably more fulfilling. The ability to achieve personal and professional goals, build meaningful relationships, and contribute to society provides a deeper sense of accomplishment and happiness. Adult life is characterized by the autonomy to make life choices, such as pursuing a career passion, marrying, or starting a family. These milestones often bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment that teenage experiences cannot match. Additionally, the resilience built through overcoming adult challenges, such as career setbacks or personal losses, enriches one’s character and life satisfaction. A prime example is the joy derived from witnessing one's children grow or achieving a long-term career aspiration, achievements that offer a profound sense of achievement and happiness.

In conclusion, while the teenage years are filled with discovery and freedom, the depth of happiness experienced in adulthood, derived from achievements, relationships, and overcoming challenges, is unparalleled. Adulthood offers a comprehensive fulfillment that encompasses not just the individual’s joy but also the happiness derived from contributing to the well-being of others and society at large. Hence, it is my belief that adulthood, despite its responsibilities, provides a richer tapestry of happiness.

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Sample Essay 2

The perception of happiness evolving from the carefree days of youth to the nuanced contentment of adulthood is a subject of much debate. Some argue that the teenage years, brimming with freedom and minimal responsibilities, represent the zenith of joy. Conversely, others believe adulthood, despite its complex responsibilities, offers a deeper, more fulfilling happiness. This essay will explore both viewpoints and argue that each phase of life has its unique joys and challenges.

The teenage years are often idolized as a period of life where one's only concerns are personal exploration and momentary pleasures. Advocates of this view highlight the absence of adult responsibilities such as financial burdens, employment stress, and familial obligations, which allows teenagers to live in the moment and enjoy a sense of freedom unmatched in later life stages. For instance, the excitement of first loves, the thrill of discovering one's passions, and the camaraderie of friendships often make teenage years memorable. These experiences, untainted by the complexities of adult life, are seen as the epitome of happiness.

However, adulthood brings its own set of joys, often overlooked when romanticizing youth. While it is true that adult life is accompanied by greater responsibilities, it also offers the satisfaction of personal achievement and the joy of deep, meaningful relationships. The sense of accomplishment derived from professional success, building a family, or contributing to the community provides a lasting happiness that is rarely experienced in the more transient moments of teenage years. Moreover, the maturity and perspective gained through overcoming life's challenges enable adults to appreciate happiness on a more profound level.

In conclusion, while the teenage years are marked by a carefree happiness born of freedom and discovery, adulthood offers a more complex, rewarding happiness rooted in achievement, relationships, and personal growth. Each phase of life carries its own unique joys and challenges, and it is perhaps this diversity of experiences that enriches our understanding of happiness. In my view, happiness is not confined to a particular life stage but evolves as we grow, offering different but equally valuable forms of joy at every age.

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Sample Essay 3

It is argued that juvenile years are considered as the most wonderful period in life for most people, others believe that adulthood can bring more enjoyment. In my view, teenage is indeed the happiest time because of its stress-free energetic characteristics, whereas adults are obliged to obey various life duties and face some unavoidable challenges.

Fun immersion, zeal for innovation, and pursuance of passion, all these work in synergy, making teenage the happiest phase of life. Teens get enthusiastic and energetic, can bound into and out of our homes and live with more vigour than we can sometimes imagine. Due to the absence of obligations, they can have much fun in their lives without facing any difficulties; thus, they can freely unleash their creativity and play with everything that they are passionate about, and eventually can explore so many opportunities that the life can offer. To be precise, except going through some daily essentials such as, timely sleep, school, sports, food and friends, there is no need to care much for the rest of the stuff as parents are always there to support their unmatured children.

However, adulthood is far different compared to a teenager's life, because adults cannot escape responsibilities and the associated stress of challenges. The stress could be related to workplace environment, financial security, health concerns, households, familial or conjugal issues, and peer pressure of career establishment. For instance, studies suggest that above 70% people in the UK of the age group 22 – 28 are stressed by the pressure of professional success. Furthermore, sudden job losses and other disasters can also multiply the life challenges, resulting in worse consequences such as not being able to pay the loans, rent, children’s tuition fee and so forth.

To conclude, I believe that teenage life is the most joyful because, unlike adults, the teens usually do not have to encounter the adversities like health issues, financial turmoil, workplace difficulties and so on. Teens are mostly free to imagine and pursue their passion without being worried about any constraints, while adults are mostly stressed by diverse obligations.

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