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Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led..(Band 9 Sample Essay)

Updated: Jun 27

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history, and only offer practical degree courses that maximize chances of employment.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (Rising university fees and scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects, like philosophy and history, and only offer practical degree courses that maximize chances of employment.)

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Sample Essay 1

In an era where soaring university fees intersect with the diminishing employment landscape for graduates, a debate has ignited over the utility of arts subjects in higher education. Critics argue for a pragmatic pivot towards solely vocational degrees, positing that disciplines such as philosophy and history are luxuries in the stark reality of job scarcity. This essay contends that such a narrow focus undermines the broader purpose of education, which is to foster critical thinking and societal progression, alongside enhancing employability.

The cornerstone of the argument for a purely vocational curriculum is its direct correlation with job market demands. Practical degree courses in fields like engineering, information technology, and healthcare are touted for their tangible skills, which ostensibly secure immediate employment. However, this perspective overlooks the intrinsic value of arts subjects in cultivating analytical skills, ethical reasoning, and adaptability. For instance, the study of history equips students with the ability to discern patterns and understand the context of societal developments, a skill highly relevant in sectors like law, politics, and public administration.

Moreover, the relegation of arts subjects to the periphery of academic relevance neglects their role in fostering a well-rounded education. Arts disciplines encourage a critical examination of the world, nurture empathy through the exploration of diverse cultures and epochs, and stimulate creative problem-solving. These competencies are increasingly prized in a globalized world where innovation and the ability to navigate complex cultural landscapes are paramount. The tech industry, for example, has shown a growing appreciation for candidates who bring a blend of technical expertise and creative acumen, underscoring the utility of a holistic educational approach.

In conclusion, advocating solely for practical degrees overlooks the holistic value of education. Arts subjects enrich critical thinking and societal understanding, complementing vocational skills. The blend of practical and arts education fosters well-rounded individuals, essential for personal growth and societal progress. Therefore, a balanced curriculum is crucial for preparing citizens capable of navigating and contributing meaningfully to both their professional and personal lives.

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Sample Essay 2

In recent years, the escalating cost of university education coupled with the diminishing employment opportunities for graduates has sparked a debate about the relevance of arts subjects in higher education. Some argue that universities should pivot towards offering only practical degree programs that enhance employability, sidelining disciplines like philosophy and history. I contend that this view is myopic, as it overlooks the broader benefits of a well-rounded education that includes the arts, which are crucial for fostering critical thinking and cultural awareness.

Firstly, practical degree courses are undoubtedly vital for preparing students for specific career paths. However, focusing solely on job-centric education can lead to a workforce that lacks critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Subjects like philosophy and history cultivate these abilities, enabling individuals to analyze complex issues, develop reasoned arguments, and appreciate diverse perspectives. For instance, studying historical events provides insights into current social and political dynamics, thereby equipping graduates with a deeper understanding of the world around them. These competencies are invaluable in a rapidly evolving job market where adaptability and cognitive flexibility are key to navigating unforeseen challenges.

Moreover, the value of arts subjects extends beyond individual employability. They play a pivotal role in sustaining a vibrant cultural and intellectual society. Through the study of philosophy, students explore existential questions and ethical dilemmas, fostering a culture of debate and intellectual curiosity. History, on the other hand, offers lessons from the past, enabling societies to avoid repeating mistakes. The contribution of these disciplines to the enrichment of cultural heritage and the promotion of social cohesion cannot be understated. Dismissing them on the grounds of immediate job prospects overlooks their long-term benefits to society.

In conclusion, while the pressure of rising university fees and scarce employment prospects is understandable, sidelining arts subjects in favor of purely practical courses is a short-sighted approach. A balanced education that includes the arts is essential for developing well-rounded individuals capable of critical thought, adaptability, and contributing meaningfully to society. The integration of both practical and arts subjects in university curricula is not just desirable but necessary for nurturing a capable and culturally rich society.

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Sample Essay 3

Considering the increased education fees and low employment opportunities for the graduates, some people argue that universities should teach only vocational programs and get rid of the theoretical subjects like philosophy and history. I strongly agree with this statement because practical education gives students more work-focus skills that help them to secure their target jobs without wasting years after university degrees.

To begin with, practical courses provide more opportunities for the students to set up their career path. Unlike the courses that focus more on theoretical lessons, practical programs have more manifest purposes of guiding the students towards more concrete professions. As a part of these types of courses, students are offered internship programs that give them necessary skills which are highly valuable for a job market entry. Furthermore, degrees in applied fields not only serve as credentials for practical skills, but also, they meet the requirements of the constantly evolving employment market across the world.

In addition to this, practical subjects have more economical values both in terms of time and money. We know, a university education takes at least four years, studying a course that does not guarantee a job is too expensive to bear for some of the students, whereas many students must take out loans to continue their higher education. On the other hand, as the practical courses take away the debt burdens from the students by giving the returns fast, these subjects are logically more affordable. In fact, students in applied fields mostly spend only a couple of months after the degrees to find their suitable jobs.

In conclusion, with the accurate skillset, graduates from applied fields enter a job faster than others who are from universities' theoretical disciplines like history and philosophy. Therefore, universities unanimously should opt for more job oriented practical subjects, rather than spending on theoretical courses.

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