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Nuclear Power is a Necessary Evil -Task 2 Sample Essay

Updated: Mar 14

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nuclear Power Is a Necessary Evil.

Despite the potential human and environmental consequences of radioactive fallout, nuclear energy is a genuine alternative to non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal, which are quickly running out. In short, the benefits of nuclear power far outweigh the risks of using it.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample - Nuclear power is a necessary evil. Despite the potential human and environmental consequences of radioactive fallout, nuclear energy is a genuine alternative to non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal, which are quickly running out. In short, the benefits of nuclear power far outweigh the risks of using it.

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Sample Essay 1

In the face of dwindling non-renewable energy sources, nuclear power presents itself as a formidable, albeit contentious, alternative. This essay posits that the advantages of nuclear energy, notwithstanding its potential hazards, significantly overshadow its drawbacks, thereby justifying its classification as a necessary albeit controversial solution to our energy predicament.

The primary allure of nuclear power unequivocally lies in its impressive ability to generate vast amounts of clean, efficient energy. Unlike fossil fuels, notorious for their significant emissions of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming, nuclear energy offers a significantly lower-carbon footprint alternative. France, notably deriving approximately 75% of its electricity from nuclear energy, exemplifies a successful model in drastically reducing carbon emissions while adeptly catering to its national energy demands. This achievement starkly contrasts with the environmental degradation and resource depletion attributed to conventional energy sources like oil and coal, emphatically underscoring nuclear power's pivotal role in the global sustainable energy transition and its crucial contribution to combating climate change.

However, the shadow of nuclear accidents, epitomized by the harrowing Chernobyl disaster and Fukushima incident, looms large over the perceived benefits of nuclear energy, fostering widespread apprehension. Despite these legitimate fears, it is essential to recognize that significant advancements in technology have robustly mitigated such risks. Modern nuclear reactors are designed with enhanced safety features and fail-safes that virtually eliminate the possibility of a repeat of these past catastrophes, marking a new era of nuclear safety. Moreover, the challenge of managing nuclear waste, often viewed as an insurmountable barrier, is being progressively addressed through innovative waste management strategies and cutting-edge research into recycling processes. These advancements demonstrate a committed path forward towards responsible and sustainable nuclear energy usage, showcasing the nuclear industry's dedication to overcoming its most daunting challenges and affirming its status as a vital component of our future energy mix.

In conclusion, despite valid concerns, nuclear energy's contribution to a sustainable future is critical. Its role in addressing climate change and securing energy supplies, with current safety advancements, significantly outweighs associated risks. Thus, nuclear power remains an essential element in our energy landscape.

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Sample Essay 2

As the quest for sustainable energy solutions intensifies, nuclear power emerges as a polarizing yet indispensable option. This essay argues that, despite the shadow of potential environmental and human risks, the benefits of nuclear energy as a low-carbon alternative significantly surpass its hazards, warranting its integration into our energy portfolio.

Nuclear energy, characterized by its unparalleled efficiency and capacity, stands as a beacon of hope amidst the escalating crisis of climate change. It offers a reliable and substantial power supply, markedly reducing reliance on fossil fuels, notorious for their detrimental environmental impact. For instance, Sweden’s strategic embrace of nuclear power has enabled it to achieve one of the lowest carbon footprints per capita in the industrialized world. This transition underscores nuclear energy’s potential in fostering a cleaner, more sustainable future, challenging the notion that we must choose between environmental preservation and energy security.

Conversely, the specter of nuclear mishaps, exemplified by historical accidents, fuels ongoing debates about its feasibility. Nevertheless, it's crucial to recognize the evolutionary strides in nuclear technology, emphasizing enhanced safety measures and disaster mitigation. The development of Generation IV reactors, designed with inherent safety features to prevent meltdown scenarios, exemplifies the industry’s proactive stance on minimizing risks. Moreover, advancements in nuclear waste reprocessing and disposal technologies have begun to address one of the most pressing concerns associated with nuclear energy, paving the way for a more sustainable approach to its use.

In conclusion, nuclear power, for all its contentious aspects, provides a critical pathway to achieving a sustainable energy future. The intersection of technological innovation and stringent safety protocols presents a compelling case for its continued development and utilization. As such, nuclear energy not only merits consideration but demands it, as we navigate the complexities of global energy demands and environmental stewardship.

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Sample Essay 3

As many animals are on the verge of extinction, experts think that conservation measures should be taken only for those ones that are useful to us. However, I strongly disagree with this statement, and I believe that ecological balance depends on all the living species, rather than that of a selected category of animals. Though the global community is not yet completely ready to harness the benefits of nuclear energy, it has massive potentials to withstand the challenge of future severe power scarcity.

Nuclear energy is speculated destructive that leads its production illicit in many countries. This negative view has been breeding in people’s mind because they have witnessed tremendous losses of lives and resources over the decades in various wars and nuclear disasters. Thus, the jeopardise of nuclear energy is immeasurable as it is used in production of nuclear weapons which is perceived hazard. Furthermore, as nuclear energy pertains meticulous use, many countries are not yet ready with the knowledge and technology that fit in this field. However, with the excessive use of non-renewable energy, the world is running out of the fossil fuels and leading towards nuclear technology for producing energy.

Nuclear energy is tamed for fuelling transportation, energy for plants and machineries as the world is apprehensive to replenish the deficit of power. Nuclear energy is one of the best sources of power which is claimed to be abundant in the Earth. Especially, developed countries are endeavouring for processing nuclear energy as they calculate price over other fossil fuels. Moreover, nuclear energy is cheaper in price, and considered cleaner. It is safe if it is stored using advanced technology. In fact, it has comparative advantage to oil and gas because nuclear power proliferates in some countries that could be exported to earn foreign currencies. To sustain in energy, the countries should invest on nuclear energy so that they can dissuade oil and other fossil fuel import. Moreover, a country can make balance its internal energy supply as nuclear energy seduce shortfall of power. In other words, oil and gas surplus using alternative energy-nuclear energy in industrial use that save fuel for other motor vehicles.

In conclusion, though there are drawbacks of nuclear energy in terms of nations’ mindset and infrastructural preparation, fearing the extinction of fossil fuels, the nuclear technology has become an inevitable alternative solution to meet up the looming energy demand across the world.

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