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Male and Female Internet Users Aged 15-24 in Canada in 2000 - IELTS Task 1 Bar Graph Band 9 Sample Report

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the male and female internet users aged 15-24 in Canada in 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Male and Female Internet Users Aged 15-24 in Canada in 2000 - IELTS Task 1 Bar Graph Band 9 Sample Report

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Sample Answer 1

The bar chart presents the internet usage patterns of Canadian male and female internet users aged 15-24 in the year 2000, detailing their preferences for emailing, social networking, online shopping, and other miscellaneous activities.

In general, emailing was the predominant activity for both genders, with female users participating in this category more than males. Social networking was more favored by male internet users, whereas female users demonstrated a higher engagement in online shopping. Other online activities had a lower overall participation, with females showing a notably higher rate than males.

Breaking down the figures, 41% of Canadian male internet users in this age group used the internet primarily for emailing, while 28% engaged in social networking. Male participation in online shopping was relatively lower, with only 13% involved, and the remaining 9% took part in other unspecified activities. Notably, social networking had a greater appeal among males than females.

In contrast, female internet users were more inclined towards emailing, with 48% choosing this as their main activity, a rate 7% higher than their male counterparts. Approximately 19% of females engaged in online shopping, surpassing the male rate by a significant margin. Additionally, 18% of female users were involved in other internet activities, twice the rate of male participants. These trends underscore clear distinctions in online activity preferences among young Canadian male and female internet users in 2000.

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Sample Answer 2

The bar chart illustrates internet activities among Canadian male and female internet users aged 15-24 in the year 2000, highlighting their engagement in emailing, social networking, online shopping, and other online activities.

In general, email usage was the most prominent activity among both genders, with a larger proportion of female users participating. Male users demonstrated a stronger preference for social networking, whereas females surpassed males in online shopping. Participation in other activities was relatively low but exhibited a higher rate among females compared to males.

Breaking down the activities, female internet users engaged in emailing more than their male counterparts, who lagged behind by a few percentage points. Social networking followed as the second most popular activity, with a higher percentage of male users than female users engaged in it.

In terms of online shopping, nearly one-fifth of female internet users participated in this activity, while male engagement in shopping was noticeably lower. For other activities, a relatively small proportion of both genders participated, though the rate for females was double that of males. This distribution of online activities highlights some clear distinctions in internet usage preferences between male and female internet users in Canada during this period.

Sample Answer 3

The bar chart illustrates the online activities of Canadian male and female internet users aged 15-24 in 2000, focusing on email usage, social networking, online shopping, and other internet activities.

Overall, emailing was the most prominent online activity for both genders, with a larger proportion of females using it than males. Male users, however, were more involved in social networking, while females showed higher engagement in online shopping. Other online activities were less common but saw greater female participation than male.

In detail, email usage was particularly popular among female internet users, with nearly half choosing this activity, compared to a slightly lower proportion of males. Social networking, the second most popular category, showed a stronger preference among male users, who had a slightly higher percentage of participation than their female counterparts.

For online shopping, female internet users demonstrated a more significant inclination, with nearly one in five engaging in this activity, contrasting with a lower percentage of males. Other internet activities, though minimally represented, had double the participation rate among females compared to males. This distribution highlights some notable gender differences in online behavior among Canadian youth in the year 2000, with females leaning toward more diverse online activities.

Sample Answer 4

The bar chart provides insights into internet usage habits among Canadian males and females aged 15-24 in 2000, covering activities such as emailing, social networking, online shopping, and other online engagements.

Overall, email was the most popular online activity for both genders, with females showing a higher participation rate. Male users were more inclined toward social networking, while females surpassed males in online shopping. Other activities had a comparatively lower engagement but saw a greater percentage of female participation.

In terms of specific figures, 48% of female internet users engaged in email communication, which was 7% higher than the 41% participation rate among males. Social networking was the second most common activity, with 28% of males involved, a rate 4% higher than the 24% among females.

Online shopping attracted nearly 19% of female users, whereas only 13% of males were engaged in this activity. Other online engagements showed a significant gender difference, with 18% of females involved, double the 9% rate for males. This data highlights gender-based preferences in online activities among young Canadian internet users in 2000.

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