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How Greenhouse Gases Trap Energy from the Sun - IELTS Task 1 Map Band 9 Sample Report

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The following diagram shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown in the diagram.

Write at least 150 words.

How Greenhouse Gases Trap Energy from the Sun - IELTS Task 1 Map Band 9 Sample Report

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Model Answer 1

The diagram illustrates how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun, affecting the Earth's atmosphere. It shows the processes through which heat is absorbed and retained within the atmosphere, along with human activities that contribute to the buildup of greenhouse gases.

The most noticeable features of the diagram are the role of greenhouse gases in preventing heat from escaping into space and how human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, amplify this effect. Additionally, some sunlight is reflected back into space by the atmosphere, but a significant amount of heat becomes trapped within the Earth's surface.

In detail, solar energy enters the Earth's atmosphere, with part of this energy reflected by clouds or radiated back into space. However, a considerable portion of the heat is retained on Earth, trapped by greenhouse gases. The diagram emphasizes that the buildup of these gases hinders the natural escape of heat energy, intensifying the greenhouse effect. Vehicles, factories, and other fossil fuel-dependent systems emit extra carbon dioxide, a primary contributor to the accumulation of these heat-trapping gases.

Furthermore, the image highlights how human-induced activities, such as deforestation, worsen the situation. Felling trees reduces the planet's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, which in turn increases the greenhouse effect. As shown, logging activities limit natural carbon absorption, while fossil fuel consumption significantly contributes to the release of additional greenhouse gases, escalating the process through which greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun.

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Model Answer 2

The diagram illustrates how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun, demonstrating the role of human activities and natural processes in affecting the Earth’s atmospheric temperature.

From an overall perspective, the diagram highlights how solar energy is absorbed, reflected, and trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. It also underscores how human activities, such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels, contribute to increasing greenhouse gases, which intensify the trapping of heat.

In more detail, the energy from the Sun enters the Earth’s atmosphere, and while a portion of it is reflected back by clouds and radiated into space, a considerable amount of heat becomes trapped within the Earth. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere prevent some of the heat from escaping, contributing to a warming effect. The diagram indicates that activities such as the operation of vehicles and factories emit additional carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas responsible for this phenomenon.

Furthermore, deforestation further exacerbates the problem by reducing the planet’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, which leads to a greater buildup of these gases. The absence of sufficient trees results in more carbon dioxide lingering in the atmosphere, enhancing the effect through which greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun. The combined impact of fossil fuel combustion and deforestation reinforces the greenhouse effect, leading to an increased retention of heat on Earth, as depicted in the diagram.

Model Answer 3

The diagram illustrates how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun, highlighting the key processes involved in the greenhouse effect and the role human activities play in exacerbating this phenomenon.

From a broad perspective, the diagram shows that while some solar energy is reflected back into space, much of it is absorbed and trapped by greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, human activities such as deforestation and the use of fossil fuels contribute to the increase of greenhouse gases, further intensifying this effect.

Delving into the details, sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, generating heat. A portion of this heat is meant to radiate back into space, but a significant amount is retained due to the presence of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. The diagram clearly demonstrates that greenhouse gases act as a barrier, preventing this heat from escaping. Additionally, it depicts how fossil fuel combustion, through vehicles and factories, emits carbon dioxide, which accumulates in the atmosphere, leading to more heat being trapped.

Furthermore, deforestation is shown to contribute to this issue by reducing the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide. The fewer trees there are, the less carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, enhancing how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun. As a result, the combination of human-induced emissions and reduced carbon absorption significantly amplifies the greenhouse effect.

Model Answer 4

The diagram demonstrates how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun, highlighting the key processes involved in the greenhouse effect and the impact of human activities on the environment.

In general, the image outlines how solar energy interacts with the Earth’s atmosphere. While some of the energy is reflected off the atmosphere, a large portion is absorbed and trapped by greenhouse gases. It also emphasizes the role of human activities like fossil fuel combustion and deforestation in intensifying this process.

Looking more closely, sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, generating heat. Some of this heat escapes back into space, but a significant amount becomes trapped due to greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. These gases, such as carbon dioxide, act as a barrier, reducing the amount of heat that radiates outward. The diagram also illustrates how the use of vehicles and factories contributes to the emission of carbon dioxide, increasing the amount of trapped energy.

Additionally, deforestation plays a crucial role in this process by limiting the absorption of carbon dioxide. Fewer trees mean less CO2 is removed from the atmosphere, amplifying the greenhouse effect. The combination of reduced natural absorption and increased emissions shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun, resulting in greater heat retention. This interaction between human actions and the natural environment significantly intensifies the greenhouse effect, as depicted in the diagram.

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