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Hours Worked and Stress Levels amongst Professionals - Task 1 Multiple Graphs

Updated: Aug 23, 2024

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graphs show figures relating to hours worked and stress levels amongst professionals in eight groups.

Describe the information shown to a university or a college lecture.

Write at least 150 words.

Hours Worked and Stress Levels amongst Professionals - Task 1 Multiple Graphs

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Model Answer 1

The line graph illustrates the average weekly working hours across eight different professions, while the pie chart displays the percentage of individuals in these professions suffering from stress-related illnesses.

Overall, although businessmen work the most hours each week, it is the lecturers, who work the fewest hours, that suffer the most from stress-related illnesses.

Analysing the data, businessmen work the longest hours, averaging 70 per week, followed by movie producers with 60 hours and doctors with 50 hours. These professions constitute the highest working hours among the groups. Conversely, the other professions, including writers, lawyers, chefs, programmers, and lecturers, work between 25 and 45 hours per week, with writers at the upper end of this range, working 45 hours.

When it comes to stress-related illnesses, lecturers exhibit the highest percentage, accounting for 25%, despite having the shortest working week at 25 hours. They are followed by movie producers (18%), doctors (15%), and businessmen (11%), despite their more extended working hours. The remaining professions, including writers, lawyers, chefs, and programmers, comprise the rest, with none exceeding 10%.

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Model Answer 2

The bar and pie charts juxtapose the average number of hours worked per week with the prevalence of stress-related illnesses among various professional groups.

The overview reveals a striking contrast: business people average a staggering 70-hour workweek, the highest among the professions, while lecturers, despite logging the fewest hours at 28 per week, report the greatest incidence of stress-related health issues.

Delving into the specifics, movie producers follow business people in terms of hours worked, with a 60-hour average, while doctors are close behind, dedicating over 50 hours weekly to their practice. A middle ground is observed with writers and programmers at 47 and 40 hours respectively, lawyers at 37, and chefs at 30.

On the other hand, despite their comparatively lower hours worked, lecturers experience the highest stress levels, affecting a quarter of the cohort. Following them are movie producers and doctors, facing stress-related ailments at rates of 18% and 15% respectively. Interestingly, business people, despite their long hours, suffer less from such ailments, with a 10% incidence. Programmers, writers, and lawyers exhibit even lower stress-related health concerns, each falling below the 10% mark.

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Model Answer 2

The bar and pie charts present data on the average number of hours worked per week and the proportion of individuals in various professions who suffer from stress-related illnesses. In examining the information provided, it becomes clear that there is a complex relationship between the length of the workweek and the prevalence of stress-related health issues among these professional categories.

An initial overview of the charts reveals a surprising trend: longer working hours do not consistently correlate with higher levels of stress-related illness. This is most notably exemplified by business owners, who, despite averaging the longest workweeks at approximately 70 hours, show a relatively low incidence of stress at 11%. Conversely, lecturers, who have the shortest average workweek at 25 hours, report the highest stress-related illness rate at 25%.

Delving deeper into the specifics, the charts depict that doctors and movie producers both average a workload exceeding 50 hours per week, with corresponding stress-related illness rates of 15% and 18%, respectively. Programmers and writers, with average workweeks of around 40 to 50 hours, show a lower stress illness rate of 8% each. Chefs, working about 30 hours, exhibit a 10% rate of stress-related ailments. The data for lawyers indicate a workweek just shy of 50 hours with an 8% illness rate, whereas for doctors, the illness rate climbs to 15%, although their workweek aligns closely with that of lawyers.

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Model Answer 3

The bar graph illustrates the average weekly working hours for eight groups of people, while the pie chart compares the percentage of developing their stress related diseases.

Overall, businessmen, followed by movie producers and doctors, spend the highest average working hours in a week. However, lecturers experience the maximum level of stress linked diseases.

In term of working hours, businessmen, movie producers and doctors spend weekly average 70, 60 and 50 hours, respectively, and their corresponding health problems attributed to stress are 11 percent, 18 percent and 15 percent of the total proportion of these eight professional groups’ stress-induced patients. That means, despite having the highest weekly average working hours, businessmen occupy only about one tenth of the total population of these 8 professional groups who suffer from stress associated illnesses.

In contrast, instead of working for only average 25 hours a week - the least among all the listed professionals - lecturers suffer from 25 percent stress-induced health problem which is the highest share among all these 8 occupation groups’ stress-linked sufferers. Also, with 18 and 15 percent, movie producers and doctors, respectively, are the next two major groups of high-stress patients. On the other hand, writers and lawyers, with 45 and 35 corresponding average working hours a week, suffer from the same level of stress related health disorders.

Model Answer 4

The data illustrates the relationship between working hours and mental health of employees working in different fields. The bar chart shows the weekly average working time for distinct occupations and the pie chart gives information about how one’s occupation can affect mental health.

Overall, from the bar chart, business men have to work for the most hours on average per week. However, it is not the most stressful occupation but lectures instead because they make up one fourth of the people surveyed in the pie chart.

Business men have the most working hours which is on average about 70 hours a week. Then, it is followed by movie producers who are required to work for roughly average 60 hours in a week. The remaining professionals, such as writers, doctors, chefs, lawyers and programmers only work for average 30 to 51 hours a week. Finally, lectures, with the least working time, spend nearly average 25 hours per week.

As substantiated by the data, working duration does not affect one’s stress level. This is because only five present of the professionals who developed stress attributed illness are the programmers, making it the least stressful occupation. Besides lectures, movie producers are ranked as the second most stress professionals as they account for approximately one third of the total surveyed people suffering from stress related illness depicted in the pie chart.

Model Answer 5

These graphs illustrate the relationship between numbers of working hours from 8 distinct careers and the associated stress - borne illness. The examined professionals are writers, doctors, chefs, lecturers, lawyers, movie producers, programmers, and businessmen.

Overall, businessmen registered the highest working hours in one week compared to that of the other professionals. Another noteworthy feature is lecturers are the ones who experience the most level of stress, whereas programmers are the minimum stressed group.

With an average 70 hours of work per week, business men lead the tally, followed by movie producers and doctors, who spend weekly about 60 and 50 hours, respectively. However, these three groups’ corresponding stress related illness stand only at 11 percent, 18 percent, and 15 percent. In contrast, although Lecturers have the lowest working hours per week with about 25 hours, they experience the highest level of stress among all the eight groups of professionals.

On the other hand, though programmers work for a moderate 40 hours per week, they account for the lowest stress related diseases, which is only 5% of all the professional groups. Moreover, there are about 45, and 35 hours of average weekly work recorded for writers and lawyers, correspondingly, and they share the same proportion of stress level, which is just 8 percent.

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