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In Some Countries, Companies Allow People to Work from Home - Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

Updated: Mar 23

Write about the following topic:

In some countries, companies allow people to work from home. In others, people are still expected to work in an office.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay prompt "In some countries, companies allow people to work from home. In others, people are still expected to work in an office. Discuss both views and give your own opinion."

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Sample Essay 1

The advent of technology has precipitated a divergence in workplace norms, particularly between the traditional office setting and the modern, remote work approach. This essay posits that while traditional office work fosters collaboration and a distinct work-life separation, remote work offers unparalleled flexibility and work-life balance. Both paradigms, however, contribute uniquely to the workforce.

On one hand, the conventional office environment is lauded for its structured routine and the serendipitous collaboration that physical proximity fosters. For instance, companies like IBM have historically benefited from innovations that sprouted from impromptu meetings and discussions, underscoring the value of physical presence. Additionally, this setting delineates a clear boundary between professional and personal life, a demarcation that is increasingly blurred in remote work scenarios. The structured environment also promotes discipline and can enhance productivity for individuals who thrive under direct supervision. It uniquely fosters a community spirit, enhancing team cohesion and collective problem-solving capabilities.

Conversely, remote work champions flexibility and personal autonomy, allowing employees to tailor their work environment to their personal productivity peaks. This model is particularly beneficial for individuals living in remote areas or those with caregiving responsibilities, offering them an opportunity to participate in the workforce without the need to relocate. Moreover, the reduction in commute time translates into better work-life balance and, potentially, enhanced productivity. For instance, a study by Stanford University found a 13% increase in productivity among remote workers, suggesting that the absence of office distractions can significantly boost output. This flexibility also empowers employees to create a personalized work environment that can lead to higher job satisfaction and loyalty.

In summary, traditional office work and remote work each provide unique benefits suited to diverse needs. The former fosters collaboration and routine, while the latter ensures flexibility and work-life balance. I advocate for a hybrid approach, blending both to optimize productivity and accommodate the modern workforce's varied preferences.

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Sample Essay 2

With the advent of technology and digital connectivity, the landscape of the traditional workplace has been dramatically reshaped, giving rise to the phenomenon of remote work. Yet, some countries still champion the age-old practice of commuting to a physical workplace. Despite the structured environment and sense of community provided by a conventional office, I strongly advocate for the flexibility offered by remote work, which facilitates a harmonious blend of professional commitments and personal comfort.

Let's first consider the virtues of a traditional office setting. This environment naturally encourages discipline and a strong work ethic, given the ease of supervising employees and evaluating their performance in person. Moreover, the office space, free from the distractions inherent in a domestic setting—be it family responsibilities or household chores—enables employees to concentrate solely on their tasks. They have direct access to office resources and can easily seek assistance from colleagues. It is worth noting that a recent study revealed that many employees working remotely during the pandemic reported feelings of isolation, hinting at the mental health challenges associated with long-term remote work.

Nevertheless, while acknowledging these merits, I am of the firm belief that the physical office should serve as a supportive option rather than a mandatory rule. If provided with the right regulatory framework, employees should be afforded the flexibility to choose their working environments. They should have the option to perform their duties from the comfort of their own homes, and only opt for office facilities when they feel it necessary. Additionally, the elimination of the daily commute, often fraught with stress and lost hours, frees up valuable time that employees can utilize more productively.

In summary, while a conventional office setting can foster discipline and a sense of camaraderie among employees, the advantages of a flexible working model, I believe, supersede these. Remote work not only accords employees the much-needed work-life balance, but it also opens the door for increased efficiency and contentment in their professional lives.

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Sample Essay 3

Recent technological advancements have led to a shift in work culture, as a result, many companies allow people to work from home, an evolving trend commonly known as the 'home-office' phenomenon. Yet, contrastingly, there are regions where the traditional model of in-office work continues to be the norm. Despite the structured environment and opportunities for productivity and camaraderie that an office setting can provide, I stand firmly in support of the flexible home-based work approach. This method allows employees to efficiently manage their operations in the comfort of their homes, effectively bypassing the stress typically associated with a conventional workplace.

Exploring the merits of the conventional office-based model, it promotes a strong work culture and discipline, primarily because supervising employees and evaluating their performance becomes relatively straightforward compared to managing remote workers. Furthermore, an office environment, devoid of home-based distractions such as family members or household chores, allows employees to fully concentrate on their tasks, making full use of office resources, and seeking help from colleagues as required. Additionally, recent research indicates that employees working remotely during the pandemic often felt disconnected from their peers, leading to a sense of isolation and associated mental health issues in a significant proportion of these workers.

However, while acknowledging the value of the traditional workplace, I propose that it should function as a supplementary option when necessary. Provided the implementation of appropriate regulations, employees should enjoy the flexibility to choose their working arrangements. This includes managing tasks from the comfort of their home and utilizing office facilities when needed. Additionally, the elimination of the daily commute not only saves time but also reduces stress, enabling employees to focus more on their work.

In conclusion, while the traditional office environment provides a structured setting and opportunities for collaboration, I believe the benefits of a flexible working model surpass these advantages. The freedom and convenience offered by remote work not only caters to the evolving needs of the modern workforce but also has the potential to increase overall job satisfaction and productivity.

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