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The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea...(Band 9 Essay)

Updated: Jun 27

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea.

What are the reasons and solutions?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea.)

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Sample Essay 1

It is widely believed that humans are responsible for the extermination of animals. The main reason for this is that people are polluting animal habitats by carelessly releasing chemical compounds in the environment. However, a sustainable chemical usage policy can be a viable solution. I am going to elucidate the idea in the following paragraphs.

Our reckless chemical usage is the root cause of the environmental degradation, which is resulting in the animal extinction. We are constantly introducing such chemicals which are contaminating our air, soil and seas. Air pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides; water and soil pollutants are heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead along with pesticide and herbicide compounds. All these factors work in synergy and interfere with the metabolism of animals, leading to a fast extinction. Large-bodied animals and rare species are even more prone to this human made disaster because their habitats and livings are more sensitive to any environmental changes. These annihilating activities can disrupt our ecological processes like pollination and seed distribution, and lead to a collapse of the food chain which accelerates further destructions.

However, governments can address this issue effectively by implementing a sustainable chemical policy. They should provide their citizens specific guidelines on how to use chemical compounds without causing the environmental damage. A stern action should be taken against the people who do not obey the law and order regarding this issue. Furthermore, people should be informed how the biochemical process is causing ecological disasters, which is leading up to the extinction of a number of marine and land species. To do this, governments can organize massive awareness campaigns every year, which can help disseminate the information about the environmental vulnerability, demonstrate the harmless way of chemical usage and share the importance of ecological protection.

To conclude, by releasing hazardous chemical compounds, people are constantly contaminating the environment, which is pushing various species to the verge of extinction. However, proper law enforcement, regular awareness campaigns and punitive measures against the polluters can save the environment and the endangered species.

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Sample Essay 2

The accelerating extinction of animal species due to human activities on land and in the sea has become a critical environmental concern. This dire situation is primarily attributed to the relentless encroachment of natural habitats and pollution, which together form a lethal combination threatening the very existence of wildlife. In this essay, I shall delve into the causative factors behind this worrying trend and propose viable solutions to mitigate the problem.

Human actions have significantly impacted animal species, leading to their rapid extinction. One of the primary reasons is habitat destruction, fueled by urban expansion, deforestation for agriculture, and mining. These activities strip away the natural environments essential for the survival of many species, leaving them without shelter, food, or breeding grounds. Additionally, pollution, both terrestrial and marine, poses a severe threat. Plastics in the oceans, chemicals in rivers, and air pollution from industrial activities not only degrade ecosystems but also directly harm animals, affecting their health, reproduction, and ultimately their survival.

To address these pressing issues, a two-pronged approach is essential. Firstly, stricter regulations on land use and pollution control must be implemented and enforced globally. Governments and international bodies should collaborate to establish protected areas, enforce anti-poaching laws, and regulate industries that contribute to habitat destruction and pollution. Secondly, there is a pressing need for public awareness and education. By understanding the impact of their actions, individuals can adopt more sustainable practices, such as reducing plastic use, supporting conservation efforts, and making environmentally conscious choices.

In conclusion, the extinction of animal species due to human activities is a complex problem that demands immediate and concerted efforts to solve. Through stricter regulations, enhanced conservation strategies, and increased public awareness, it is possible to halt and even reverse this trend. Protecting our planet's biodiversity is not just about saving animals; it is about preserving the intricate web of life that sustains the earth's ecosystems and, ultimately, human survival.

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Essay Sample 3

As a result of rapid industrialization and the advancement of technology over the centuries, activities that humanity undertakes every day has been detrimental to other inhabitants on the earth. There are several reasons why our activities are becoming harmful. This essay will discuss the reasons and suggest some possible solutions to alleviate the extinction of animals.

To begin with, the main reason for animal extinction led by human activities is overpopulation in the world. To illustrate, the increased population has raised the demand for wood that people have to use, which increases the need of cutting down more trees. This eventually results in the loss of natural habitat for animals to live. Overpopulation, furthermore, contributes to the drastic increase in the demand for products produced by factories, causing a number of harmful gas emissions. These harmful gases emitted by the factories can contaminate the air and the oceans, further damaging not only land animals but also sea creatures.

To solve the issue of animal extinction, both authorities and individuals should be responsible and take an action to alleviate this problem. What authorities can do is that they should establish new regulations to limit the number of trees that industrial companies can use and the amount of carbon dioxide that they are allowed to emit into the air. These measures would work to limit the damage that the companies cause to the environment. In addition to the authorities, individuals, especially those living in developed countries, can have an integral role to prevent further animal extinction. This can be as simple as reducing the time using motor vehicles that produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide.

In summary, overpopulation is the leading cause of the extinction of other species, and its resolution can be the creation of new laws by governments and the environmental-friendly activities undertaken by individual people.

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Sample Essay 4

The alarming rate at which animal species are vanishing from our planet is a consequence of various human activities on land and at sea. This phenomenon, primarily driven by habitat destruction and pollution, underscores an urgent need for intervention. This essay aims to explore the underlying causes of this distressing trend and offer feasible solutions to mitigate the ongoing loss of biodiversity.

Human activities have exerted a profound impact on the natural world, with habitat destruction standing as the foremost contributor to the extinction of animal species. Urban sprawl, agricultural expansion, and deforestation for logging purposes have drastically reduced the natural habitats available for wildlife. This encroachment not only displaces species but also fragments their living spaces, severely hindering their ability to survive and reproduce. Moreover, pollution—ranging from industrial waste dumped into rivers to plastic debris choking the oceans—has poisoned ecosystems. Such pollutants not only harm individual animals directly but also disrupt food chains, further endangering entire species.

Addressing this crisis requires a multifaceted approach. Governments and international agencies must forge stronger policies to conserve natural habitats and implement sustainable land management practices. Creating protected areas where development and resource extraction are strictly controlled can provide safe havens for endangered species. Concurrently, tackling pollution demands global cooperation to reduce emissions, manage waste effectively, and clean up polluted areas. Public awareness campaigns are crucial in this effort, as educating people about the impact of their daily choices on the environment can foster more responsible behaviour.

In summary, the extinction crisis faced by animal species due to human actions calls for immediate and decisive measures. By adopting stringent conservation policies, combating pollution, and raising public consciousness, we can begin to rectify the harm inflicted on the natural world. It is imperative that we act with urgency and commitment to ensure the preservation of biodiversity for future generations.

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