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How to Write A Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9 Report

How to write an IELTS Task 1 Pie Chart Report - IELTS Luminary

A pie chart is a circular graph that shows the proportional relationship between different categories. It's a popular type of question in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.


On this page, you'll learn everything you need to know about answering Pie Chart questions in the IELTS Writing Task 1. We've broken it down into 7 simple steps:

  1. Analyze the question

  2. Identify the major features

  3. Follow the 4 paragraph structure

  4. Paraphrase the question sentence

  5. Write an Overview paragraph

  6. Write Body paragraph 1

  7. Write Body paragraph 2


To improve your band score in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you can use the 7-step strategy, which is a great idea.


However, if you really want to make sure you get the score you need, you might want to try our Writing Feedback Service. Our team of former IELTS examiners will give you detailed feedback and guidance to help you reach your target score.


We also have high-quality eBooks written by former IELTS examiners, which offer powerful tips and strategies to help you achieve a band score of 7 or higher. These eBooks cover all possible essay types and are a great resource for anyone looking to do well on the IELTS exam.

How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Academic Task 1 Report - eBook by IELTS Luminary


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The charts below show the percentage of volunteers by organisations in 2008 and 2014.


Write at least 150 words.

How to Write a High Band Scoring Task 2 Essay - eBook by IELTS Luminary (IELTS Essay eBook)
IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Question

Source: Cambridge English IELTS Past Papers

1. How to Analyse a Task 1 Pie Chart Question

To answer the question correctly, we must identify three important parts of the question sentence:


Topic Words / Keywords: Volunteers by organisations


Micro Keywords: Environmental, Art, Sport, Health Care, Educational, and Others.


Action Words: Compare (note that sometimes action words may not be explicitly stated, so it's important to understand what the examiner is looking for. For example, if there are multiple diagrams in the question, we can compare the major features.)

Once we've analysed the question, we can identify the main features in the diagrams.


You can check the eBook for more detailed discussion how to analyse the question most effectively.

IELTS Reading Tips and Strategies eBooks - IELTS Luminary

2. How to Find the Main Features in a Task 1 Pie Chart

In an IELTS Writing Task 1 pie chart question, you are typically required to write a report on the given data within the pie chart. The major features you should be looking for are the significant details that allow you to construct a coherent and detailed report. Here are some steps to help you find and interpret these features:


Examine the Chart: First, take a good look at the pie chart. Note the title, any subtitles, or other labels. They will give you an overall understanding of the chart.


Identify Categories: Take note of each distinct slice of the pie chart. Each slice represents a different category or component of the whole data set.


Identify Proportions: Look at the percentages or numbers associated with each slice. This will give you an idea of how the whole is divided among the different categories. The larger the slice, the larger its share of the whole.


Compare the Slices: Look for differences between the slices. Which are the largest and smallest slices? Are there any slices that are about the same size?


Look for Trends or Patterns: Are there any noticeable patterns or trends in the data? For instance, if the chart shows data over a period of time, can you see any trends from year to year?


Notice Any Anomalies: Keep an eye out for anything unusual or surprising in the data. For example, is there one slice that is significantly larger or smaller than the others?


Interpret the Data: Finally, consider what the data means. Does it show a significant disparity between different groups? Does it reveal an important trend?


Now, coming across these above-stated steps, let's find the key features in our sample pie chart question:

2008                              2014

Major contributors      Major contributors

Educational(24%)         Environmental (29%)

Environmental(21%)     Sport (25%)

IELTS Speaking eBook - How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Speaking - IELTS Luminary
IELTS Vocabulary List with Meanings and Examples
  • Increased: Health Care, Sport, and Environmental

  • Decreased: Others, Art, and Educational

  • Most significant change: Sport

  • Units are measured in percentage.

3. IELTS Task 1 Pie Chart Report Writing Structure

We can complete the essay using only 10 sentences! Yes, it is that much simple! Take a look how we place the 10 sentences in our 4 paragraph essay. The eBook gives you step by step detailed demonstration how to write each paragraph perfectly.


1. Paraphrasing the Question Sentence

Paraphrase the question statement using just one or two sentences. 


2. Overview Paragraph

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(preview of the essay without presenting data)

Sentence 2: summary statement 2 (more preview without presenting data)


3. Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1: first major point

Sentence 2: second major point

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compare/combine the major points stated above)

Sentence 4: extension sentence 2 (extension of the previous sentence, or adding an exceptional feature).


4. Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1: exceptional feature 

Sentence 2: extension of the exceptional feature

Sentence 3: final sentence (wrapping-up the whole essay, completely based on the discussion above, nothing new)


Let's develop the answer step by step applying the above-stated 4 paragraph essay structure.

Before diving deep into the report writing of the pie chart, we would like to share you some important thought.


In order to succeed in the IELTS Writing exam, it is important not only to answer the given question but also to have a strong grip on proper structure, vocabulary, organization, and grammar to effectively communicate your thoughts. This is where our IELTS Essay Correction Service proves to be a fantastic platform for any student who wants to enhance their IELTS writing skills and attain a high score on the exam.


By utilizing this platform, you'll receive detailed feedback from a former IELTS examiner who will guide you to identify areas for improvement and work on enhancing your writing skills to reach your target score. Additionally, our support team is always available via email and live chat, 24/7, to address any queries or concerns you may have.


Our personalized approach and professional feedback ensure that you will be fully equipped to achieve a band score of 7 or higher on the IELTS exam with confidence. Don't delay - join our IELTS Essay Correction Service today and take a guaranteed leap towards success.

4. Paraphrasing the Question Sentence

In the first paragraph of your IELTS Task 1 essay, you need to rephrase the question statement using your own words while retaining the original meaning. This is known as paraphrasing, and it requires a good understanding of paraphrasing techniques to do it effectively. The purpose of this paragraph is to demonstrate to the examiner how well you understand the question. A detailed dedicated chapter in the eBook gives you powerful strategies how to paraphrase most effectively.


Let's look at the actual question statement that we are using on this page:

"The charts below show the percentage of volunteers by organisations in 2008 and 2014."


We can paraphrase this statement as below:

"The provided diagrams depict the level of involvement in volunteering by various organizations during two distinct timeframes, 2008 and 2014."


Great job! The first paragraph is finished, and you've written 20 words so far. We need to aim for at least 150 words, but don't worry, we can add more in the upcoming paragraphs. Now, it's time to move on to the next section, which is the Overview Paragraph.

5. Overview Paragraph

The Overview Paragraph is crucial in our IELTS Writing Task 1 essay. It's actually the most significant part, as it determines your score. In fact, without this paragraph, your IELTS Writing section score will not exceed band 5. Understanding this extreme importance, the eBook presents an in-depth discussion providing special tips and strategies on how to write an impressive overview paragraph.


Remember, the overview is a brief summary of the main aspects that you plan to cover in your body paragraphs. So, you should avoid including any data in this section; instead, just state the most significant features visible in the diagrams. You write an overview to let the readers know what you intend to discuss in the upcoming paragraphs.


Overview Paragraph Structure

Remember our Overview paragraph structure:

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(preview of the essay without presenting data)

Sentence 2: summary statement 2 (more preview without presenting data)



Let's form the paragraph:


Sentence 1(Summary Statement 1)

"Overall, among the 6 organizations involved, 3 of them showed an increase in volunteer participation rates."


Sentence 2(Summary Statement 2)

"Notably, the Sports organization experienced the most substantial shift, while the Educational and Environmental groups had the highest proportion of volunteers in 2008 and 2014, respectively."

Complete Overview Paragraph

"Overall, among the 6 organizations involved, 3 of them showed an increase in volunteer participation rates. Notably, the Sports organization experienced the most substantial shift, while the Educational and Environmental groups had the highest proportion of volunteers in 2008 and 2014, respectively."

Quite simple and smart! We began with a concise 20-word first paragraph that paraphrased the question. Next, we expanded on the critical nature of the Overview paragraph in 43 words, bringing our total count to 63 words. We've now finished two of the four required paragraphs for the IELTS Task 1 essay, meaning we're halfway done! It's now time to tackle Body Paragraphs 1 and 2.

6. Body Paragraph 1

In the overview paragraph, we have given just a general statement of significant features, we haven't discussed any detail. Now it's time to explain them in the two body paragraphs.


Body Paragraph 1 Structure

Remember our body paragraph 1 structure:

Sentence 1: first major point

Sentence 2: second major point

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compare/combine the major points stated above)

Sentence 4: extension sentence 2 (extension of the previous sentence, or adding an exceptional feature).


Let's form the paragraph following the above-stated structure:


Sentence 1(First Major Point)

"In 2008, the Educational organization was the most prominent contributor, accounting for 24% of total volunteer participation, followed by Environmental and Art organizations."


Sentence 2(Second Major Point)

"However, Environmental organization took the lead in 2014, with the highest number of volunteers at 29%."


Sentence 3(Extension Sentence 1)

"Educational organization witnessed a modest decline, dropping from 24% in 2008 to 17% in 2014, while the Environmental organization experienced a surge, increasing from 21% to 29% during the same timeframe."


Sentence 4(Extension Sentence 2)

"Health Care was the least active organization in both periods."

Complete Body Paragraph 1

"In 2008, the Educational organization was the most prominent contributor, accounting for 24% of total volunteer participation, followed by Environmental and Art organizations. However, Environmental organization took the lead in 2014, with the highest number of volunteers at 29%. Educational organization witnessed a modest decline, dropping from 24% in 2008 to 17% in 2014, while the Environmental organization experienced a surge, increasing from 21% to 29% during the same timeframe. Health Care was the least active organization in both periods."

We have added 81 words and completed the first Body Paragraph, meaning we're now 75% done with our IELTS Task 1 essay! Notice how easy it is to describe the main features we see in the diagrams.


Our word count so far is 20 for the first paragraph, 43 for the Overview, and 81 for the first Body Paragraph, bringing us to a total of 144 words. We will write one more paragraph for a better description, and we only need 6 more words to meet the minimum requirement. We are going to write a few extra words for giving a comprehensive description. Let's get started!

7. Body Paragraph 2

Body paragraph 2 is the final paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay. This is the easiest paragraph in the whole essay. Because here we're just stating other features in brief and then adding a final sentence to conclude the essay. Lets's apply our structure for the second body paragraph:


Body Paragraph 2 Structure

Sentence 1: exceptional feature 

Sentence 2: extension of the exceptional feature

Sentence 3: final sentence (wrapping-up the whole essay, completely based on the discussion above, nothing new)


Let's form the paragraph following the above-stated structure:


Sentence 1(Exceptional Feature)

"In contrast, while the remaining sectors underwent moderate fluctuations in their contribution levels, Sports experienced a marked surge from 15% in 2008 to 25% in 2014."


Sentence 2(Extension of the Exceptional Feature) 

"Furthermore, only Health Care, Environmental, and Sports sectors exhibited an increase in volunteer participation, whereas the other three experienced a decline during the same time span."


Sentence 3(Final Sentence)

"Lastly, the Educational and Environmental sectors occupied the leading position in terms of contribution in 2008 and 2014, respectively, with Health Care persistently ranking at the bottom in both periods."

Complete Body Paragraph 2

"In contrast, while the remaining sectors underwent moderate fluctuations in their contribution levels, Sports experienced a marked surge from 15% in 2008 to 25% in 2014. Furthermore, only Health Care, Environmental, and Sports sectors exhibited an increase in volunteer participation, whereas the other three experienced a decline during the same time span. Lastly, the Educational and Environmental sectors occupied the leading position in terms of contribution in 2008 and 2014, respectively, with Health Care persistently ranking at the bottom in both periods."

We've added 82 more words to the previous 144, and just finished the final part of our 4 paragraph essay. That means we have completed an IELTS Task 1 essay with 226 words, which is absolutely okay.


To summaris, understanding how to write a Task 1 pie chart Band 9 report for the IELTS exam is a critical skill that requires practice and precision. By identifying key features, interpreting data accurately, and employing a clear, coherent writing style, you can craft a compelling report that will help you reach for that elusive Band 9 score.


Remember, becoming adept at pie chart interpretation is a valuable asset not just for IELTS success, but also for navigating our data-driven world. It's all about understanding the story that numbers tell, which can boost your comprehension of market trends, budget allocations, research outcomes, and more.


The art of writing an IELTS Task 1 report is just a small piece of the puzzle. To ensure you're completely prepared, continue to practice other key components of the exam, such as the listening, reading, and speaking sections. With regular practice and the right strategies, you can achieve your goal of an impressive IELTS Band 9 score.


Stay tuned to our blog for more tips and techniques for IELTS preparation. Whether you're looking for advice on "Understanding IELTS Listening Band 9 Requirements," or seeking insights on "Effective Strategies for IELTS Reading Section," we've got you covered. Remember, a comprehensive approach is the key to IELTS success, and we are here to support you in every step of your IELTS journey.

Don't forget to check the following resources:

Check the detailed discussion on all the question types

Pie Chart               Bar Chart

Line Graph             Map

Table Chart            Process Diagram

Multiple Graphs

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