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How to Write A Task 1 Multiple Charts Band 9 Report

How to Write A Task-1 Multiple Charts Band 9 Report

The multiple diagram question type is self-explanatory in nature, as it involves more than one diagram or graph; you need to identify correlations and contrasts between them. While this can be daunting for some students, the truth is that this is a really simple question to answer. One effective approach is to dedicate a separate paragraph to each diagram.


To provide a comprehensive guide, we will demonstrate a step-by-step approach to answering a Task 1 Multiple Graph question, following our recommended 7-step strategy:

  1. Analyse the question

  2. Identify the major features

  3. Remember the 4-paragraph structure

  4. Paraphrase the question sentence

  5. Write an overview paragraph

  6. Write the first body paragraph

  7. Write the second body paragraph


We recommend for keeping this 7-step strategy in mind for all questions in the Academic Writing Task 1 of the IELTS test. By employing this approach, you can achieve an extraordinary advantage while writing. However, if you aspire to achieve your desired band score in IELTS Writing, our Writing Feedback Service is available. With the guidance of a former IELTS examiner, you can reach your target band score.


Also, with our quality content-rich eBooks, written by an expert team of former IELTS examiners, you can trust that you're getting the very best guidance and tips to help you achieve your desired score. The team of former IELTS examiners have conducted extensive research and compiled in-depth discussions covering all aspects of all possible IELTS essay types in these eBooks.​


Well, let us now utilize the 7-step strategy to answer the following question.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The charts show average levels of participation in education and the highest education level of adults from 2000 to 2010 in Singapore.


Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Multiple Graphs or Multiple Diagrams Band 9 Strategy
IELTS Writing Task 1 Multiple Graphs or Multiple Diagrams Band 9 Strategy
How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Academic Task 1 Report - eBook by IELTS Luminary
How to Write a High Band Scoring Task 2 Essay - eBook by IELTS Luminary (IELTS Essay eBook)
IELTS Reading Tips and Strategies eBooks - IELTS Luminary

Source: Cambridge English IELTS Past Papers

1. How to Analyse A Task-1 Multiple Chart Question

In the question analysis section, it is crucial to identify three key areas within the question sentence:​

  • Topic Words/Keywords, which refer to the general subject matter of the question, such as "average level of education" and "high school participation."


  • Micro Keywords, which provide specific details and help prepare a targeted response. For example, in this case, micro keywords include "adult male and female," "primary/secondary/high school/university/master qualification," and the years in question (2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010).


  • Action Words, which are the directive terms that prompt action. While they may not always be explicitly stated, understanding what the examiner requires is essential. In this instance, the action word is "compare," which calls for a discussion of key characteristics between multiple diagrams or problems.


Once these areas have been identified, it is important to focus on key elements within the diagrams to answer the question effectively.

IELTS Speaking eBook - How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Speaking - IELTS Luminary

Well, we understand that IELTS Writing is not just about answering the question, but also using the appropriate structure, contextual vocabulary, organisation of the presentation and proper grammar to convey your response effectively.


That's where our IELTS Essay Correction Service comes in. A former IELTS examiner will provide detailed feedback with a band 9 sample answer on your each writing. The examiner will guide you step-by-step towards your dream score.


In addition, if you have any questions or concerns - we're available 24/7 to support you both via email ( and through live chat here in the website.


We can assure you that with our tailored approach and examiner's quality guaranteed feedback, you can confidently achieve a band score of 7 or higher. So, with full peace of mind, you can join our IELTS Essay Correction Service today and take the first step towards your IELTS success.

2. How to Find the Major Features in A Task 1 Multiple Chart Question

IELTS Vocabulary List with Meanings and Examples

Finding the major features in an IELTS Writing Task 1 multiple chart question is a key step towards writing a high-scoring response. Here are some tips to help you identify these important details:


Understand the Charts: First and foremost, spend time analyzing each chart carefully. Look at the chart titles, labels, and data. Look for any connections or relationships between the data sets, as they could be crucial for your analysis.


Look for Trends: Major features often involve trends or changes over time. This could include things like increases, decreases, fluctuations, or patterns.


Highlight Extremes: Pay attention to any extremes in the data, such as the highest or lowest values, or any dramatic shifts. These are usually considered as key features.


Compare and Contrast: Compare data across the charts, looking for similarities or differences. This could include things like how two different categories compare at a certain point in time, or how one category changes over time in relation to another.


Pay Attention to Proportions and Percentages: In some cases, charts may contain proportions or percentages. It's important to interpret these figures correctly and highlight any significant aspects.


Group Information: Sometimes, data might be too scattered. In such cases, grouping similar data or features together can make it easier to identify the key features.


Remember, practice is key when it comes to IELTS Writing Task 1. The more you practice identifying the major features from multiple charts, the better you will become at it. Make sure to include these key features in your overview paragraph, as it's an essential component of a high-scoring Band 9 report.


Now, let's apply these steps to identify the main features in our sample question:


Diagram 1 

  • Maximum ratio gap: In 2010

  • Maximum total: In 2010

  • Average number of years spent at school by adult males > adult females


Diagram 2​

  • Highest in 2000: High school 

  • Highest in 2010: University

  • Highest change: Master 

  • University  (increased)

  • Primary (decreased)      ​

3. IELTS Task-1 Multiple Charts Report Writing Structure

We can complete the essay using only 10 sentences! Yes, it is that much simple! Take a look how we place the 10 sentences in our 4 paragraph essay structure.


1. Paraphrasing the Question Sentence

Paraphrase the question statement using just one or two sentences. 


2. Overview Paragraph

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(preview of the essay without presenting data)

Sentence 2: summary statement 2 (more preview without presenting data)


3. Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1: first major point

Sentence 2: second major point

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compare/combine the major points stated above)

Sentence 4: extension sentence 2 (extension of the previous sentence, or adding an exceptional feature).


4. Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1: exceptional feature 

Sentence 2: extension of the exceptional feature

Sentence 3: final sentence (wrapping-up the whole essay, completely based on the discussion above, nothing new)


Let's develop the answer step by step applying the above-stated 4 paragraph essay structure.

4. Paraphrasing the Question 

In the opening paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay, we focus on effectively paraphrasing the question statement. It involves restating the question sentence using our own words while preserving the original sentence's meaning. The aim of writing this paragraph is to convey an impression to the examiner that you have understood the question properly. To write this paragraph flawlessly, a firm command on paraphrasing techniques is important. In the eBook, you can find a step by step detailed demonstration how to paraphrase most efficiently.


Let's look at the question that we are addressing on this page:

"The charts show average levels of participation in education and the highest education level of adults from 2000 to 2010 in Singapore."


We can paraphrase the question statement as below:

The presented charts depict the mean degrees of involvement in academic pursuits and the pinnacle level of education attained by adults in Singapore during the period spanning from 2000 to 2010.


That's it, quite simple. Our first paragraph is complete, and we have already used 24 out of 150 words. Let's move to the next part of the essay, the Overview Paragraph.

5. Task-1 Multiple Charts Overview Paragraph

The Overview comes second in our IELTS Writing Task 1 essay and is the most crucial paragraph. Without it, you can only score a Band 5 in IELTS Writing. Thus, it requires special attention. You can check the eBook where we have revealed some powerful strategies on how to write a compelling overview paragraph.


An overview is a summary of the main points in your essay. It's like a brief introduction that gives readers a general idea of what you'll be discussing. Use simple language and don't include any data or specific details from your diagrams. The purpose of this paragraph is to provide readers with a basic understanding of your essay.



Overview Paragraph Structure

Sentence 1: summary statement 1(preview of the essay without presenting data)

Sentence 2: summary statement 2 (more preview without presenting data)



Let's form the paragraph:


Sentence 1(Summary Statement 1)

"Overall, adult males had more schooling than adult females did, and the difference between the two genders grew with time."


Sentence 2(Summary Statement 2)

"Although the majority of people had high school or university degrees in 2000 and 2010, it was the primary qualification that had the biggest shift throughout this time."

Complete Overview Paragraph

"Overall, adult males had more schooling than adult females did, and the difference between the two genders grew with time. Although the majority of people had high school or university degrees in 2000 and 2010, it was the primary qualification that had the biggest shift throughout this time."


Quite simple. Previously we wrote 24 words for the first paragraph (paraphrasing the question sentence). And just now we have added 48 more words to write the 2nd paragraph (Overview paragraph). That means we've completed the 1st two of our 4 paragraph IELTS Task 1 essay. Therefore, we're already halfway through. It's time to  move to the Body Paragraph 1 and Body Paragraph 2 respectively.

6. Task-1 Multiple Charts Body Paragraph 1

In the overview paragraph, we have given just a general statement of significant features, we haven't discussed any detail. Now it's time to explain them in the two body paragraphs.


Body Paragraph 1 Structure

Sentence 1: first major point

Sentence 2: second major point

Sentence 3: extension sentence 1 (compare/combine the major points stated above)

Sentence 4: extension sentence 2 (extension of the previous sentence, or adding an exceptional feature).


Let's form the paragraph following the above-stated structure:


Sentence 1(First Major Point)

"Rising from 9 years in 2000 to 12 in 2010, adult males' schooling years increased more than 30 percent."


Sentence 2(Second Major Point)

"On the other hand, adult females' number of years in school remained almost stagnant over the time."


Sentence 3(Extension Sentence 1)

"From 8 in 2000 to 9 in 2010, female schooling years experienced only 1 year increase, which was almost 20% less than that of males."


Sentence 4(Extension Sentence 2)

"However, total annual number of both male and female average schooling years rose steadily over the 10 years."

Complete Body Paragraph 1

"Rising from 9 years in 2000 to 12 in 2010, adult males' schooling years increased more than 30 percent. On the other hand, adult females' number of years in school remained almost stagnant over the time. From 8 in 2000 to 9 in 2010, female schooling years experienced only 1 year increase, which was almost 20% less than that of males. However, total annual number of both male and female average schooling years rose steadily over the 10 years."

We wrote 24 words for the first paragraph, 48 for the second, and 79 for the third. So far, we've used 151 words for our IELTS Task 1 essay, which means we're 75% done. We're just describing the obvious features in the pictures, so it's easy.


We have one more paragraph to write, but we've already met the minimum word requirement. In this situation, some students might worry about adding more words, but it's okay to add a few as long as it's not too many. In fact, you will see most of the task 1 essays are written between 170-220 words. 


However, one thing you must remember, don't write less than 150 words, not even 149. If you write less, you will lose marks.


So, let's move to the final paragraph, the Body Paragraph 2.


However, if you want a detailed discussion on how to write a high band task 1 body paragraph, you can check the body paragraph chapter in the eBook where a group of former IELTS examiners shared their powerful tips and strategies on this part.


We're sure, if you can go through this chapter, you will find a dramatic improvement in your IELTS Task 1 Writing.

7. Task-1 Multiple Charts Body Paragraph 2

Body paragraph 2 is the final paragraph of our IELTS Task 1 essay. This is the easiest paragraph in the whole essay. Because here we're just stating other features briefly in the first sentence, adding another overall comparison statement in the second sentence, and then writing a final sentence summarizing the whole essay. Lets's apply our structure for the second body paragraph:



Body Paragraph 2 Structure

Sentence 1: exceptional feature 

Sentence 2: extension of the exceptional feature

Sentence 3: final sentence (wrapping-up the whole essay, completely based on the discussion above, nothing new)


Let's form the paragraph following the above-stated structure:


Sentence 1(Exceptional Feature)

"The biggest damaged category was Primary Qualification, which had a dramatic fall from 25.77% in 2000 to 2.1% in 2010."


Sentence 2(Extension of the Exceptional Feature) 

"In fact, rates for elementary, secondary, and high schools all experienced significant drops, whilst rates for universities and graduate programs sharply rose."


Sentence 3(Final Sentence)

"Finally, with the steady rise of  adult males' schooling years, the rate of University qualification increased most significantly while that of Primary declined sharp."

Complete Body Paragraph 2

"The biggest damaged category was Primary Qualification, which had a dramatic fall from 25.77% in 2000 to 2.1% in 2010. In fact, rates for elementary, secondary, and high schools all experienced significant drops, whilst rates for universities and graduate programs sharply rose. The rate of University qualification climbed most considerably whereas that of Primary qualifications sharply fell as adult men' schooling years increased over time."


We've added 65 more words to the previous 151, and just finished the final part of our 4 paragraph essay. That means we have completed an IELTS Task 1 essay with 216  words, which is a smart number of words for a task 1 report.


In conclusion, achieving a Band 9 score in the IELTS Writing Task 1 involving multiple charts isn't as daunting as it may initially seem. By carefully analyzing and interpreting the data, using appropriate vocabulary for trend description, presenting accurate comparisons and contrasts, and demonstrating your command over a wide range of sentence structures, you can impress the examiners with your precision and analytical prowess.


Remember, coherency and consistency in your report are crucial elements that contribute significantly to your score. Also, proper paragraphing and logical organization are integral to achieving your desired results. Stay focused on maintaining a well-balanced overview of all the charts without overlooking any significant details or trends.


As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and by honing your skills using these essential tips on writing a multiple charts Band 9 report, you'll undoubtedly be one step closer to acing your IELTS exam.

Don't forget to check the following resources:

Check the detailed discussion on all the question types

Pie Chart               Bar Chart

Line Graph             Map

Table Chart            Process Diagram

Multiple Graphs

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