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IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Tips and Strategies

IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Question: Tips and Strategies

You may have experienced the challenges of the Multiple Choice Questions in your IELTS Reading exam preparation. Don't worry! In this article, we'll guide you through everything you need to know to answer these questions with confidence and accuracy.


In This Article, You'll Discover:

  1. What Multiple Choice Questions Really Are: A clear understanding of what these questions entail and how they show up in the IELTS Reading exam.

  2. The Struggles You Might Face: Identifying the common challenges you might confront and what makes these questions tricky.

  3. Strategies Tailored for You: Unveiling the proven methods and techniques you can use to tackle these questions successfully.

  4. Real Insights from an Actual Test Example: A practical exploration of a real test scenario to illustrate how these strategies apply.

  5. Exclusive Tips Just for You: Unwrapping special guidance and personalized tips to elevate your skills and confidence in this question type.


And remember, our specially crafted IELTS eBooks cover every inch of the IELTS landscape, from Reading and Writing to Listening and Speaking, vocabulary and grammar. Think of these eBooks as your personal IELTS mentors, guiding you, challenging you, and celebrating your progress. Don't leave your success to chance; let's embark on this journey together. Check out our eBooks now and take the first step toward your dream score!

Understanding Multiple Choice Questions in IELTS Reading

You've seen them in exams before, but in the IELTS Reading test, they have their unique flavor. So, what's the deal with these questions, and why should you care about them? Let's break it down together.


Imagine you're reading a passage, and suddenly you're asked a question about something specific from the text. Sounds simple, right? But here's the catch: Instead of writing down your answer, you're given a list of options. One of them is correct, and the rest are just there to distract you.


You might think, "I've got this! I know the answer." But then you look at the options, and they all seem so...similar. Or maybe two of them look right, and you're not sure which one to choose. That's where Multiple Choice Questions in the IELTS Reading exam can become a bit tricky.


Here's what you'll typically find:

  • The Question: This is where we tell you what we want to know. It might ask about the main idea, a specific detail, or even the author's opinion.

  • The Options: You'll usually see three or four choices, labeled A, B, C, and sometimes D. One of them is your golden ticket – the correct answer. The others? They're known as 'distractors' for a reason!


Here's an example to illustrate:

Question: What is the main advantage of using renewable energy? Options: A) It's expensive B) It's unlimited C) It's traditional D) It's harmful


Can you spot the correct answer? It's 'B' - renewable energy is considered unlimited.


See, it's not so bad once you get the hang of it! But, remember, the IELTS test designers are quite clever. They'll often put options that are close to the right answer but not quite there. That's where your critical reading skills come into play.


Now, you might be wondering, "How do I tackle these questions without getting tripped up?" Don't worry; we've got your back. Later in this article, we'll dive into strategies tailored just for you, to make sure you can ace these questions with confidence.


Stay tuned, and let's conquer Multiple Choice Questions together!


However, if you feel that you need a bit more guidance as you navigate through the complexities of the IELTS exam, don’t worry, you're not alone, and we've got your back! Our IELTS eBooks are brimming with expert insights, step-by-step strategies, and real test examples that make preparation not just effective but enjoyable. Whether you're struggling with Reading, wrestling with Writing, tangling with Speaking and Listening, racing for grammar or vocabulary, we've got an eBooks to hold your hand. Explore our collection here and watch your confidence soar!

Common Challenges: Are They Stopping You Too?

So, you've been practicing those Multiple Choice Questions for the IELTS Reading exam, right? It's exciting, but let's admit, sometimes, it's also downright frustrating. Don't worry; you're not alone in this. Let's delve into the most common stumbling blocks that might be holding you back:


1. The Race Against Time:

Do you ever feel like the clock is your enemy? Tick-tock, tick-tock. Time seems to be slipping through your fingers, and you feel rushed to pick an answer. You might even find yourself guessing just to move on. Sounds familiar? It's a common challenge, but we believe in you. We know you can turn that ticking clock into your ally, and we'll show you how.


2. Those Tricky, Confusing Options:

Now, here's where things get really interesting. You read the question, you're confident, and then BOOM! You're faced with options that all look eerily similar. Or maybe two of them seem right, and you can't decide which one to choose. Frustrating, isn't it? These confusing options are like a maze, and you might feel lost. But don't worry; we have the map, and we're going to guide you through it.


We're all human, and these challenges can make Multiple Choice Questions feel like an uphill battle. But guess what? We've got some good news. These obstacles are not insurmountable. In fact, they're just stepping stones on your way to success.


You see, the key to mastering these challenges is not just to recognize them but to know how to tackle them head-on. And that's where we come in. Later in this article, we'll uncover some fantastic strategies and solutions tailored just for you.


Are you ready to turn these challenges into opportunities? Stick with us, and let's take this journey together. Your success in Multiple Choice Questions is just around the corner, and we can't wait to help you get there!


Are you ready to turn these challenges into triumphs? Our IELTS eBooks are more than just guides; they're companions on your path to success. Loaded with proven techniques, personalized tips, and engaging practice materials, these eBooks transform your preparation into an adventure. Struggling with Reading, Writing, Speaking, or Listening? Stumbling over Grammar and Vocabulary? We have dedicated eBooks for each module, tailored to your unique needs. Dive into our eBooks and let's conquer IELTS together!

Effective Strategies to Answer Multiple Choice Questions

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by those Multiple Choice Questions? Don't fret! We're here with a game plan to turn your challenges into triumphs. We've got three key strategies that you can use, not just as tools but as companions, in your IELTS Reading journey. Are you ready to explore them? Let's dive in!


1. Become a Detective: Read the Question Carefully

We're not kidding! Think of yourself as a detective, and the question is a riddle you need to solve. You've got to dissect it, understand every word, and figure out exactly what it's asking. Don't skim or rush; take your time. After all, even Sherlock Holmes needed a moment to piece things together. So read the question like it's a treasure map, leading you to the right answer.


2. Be a Master Eliminator: Rule Out the Wrong Answers

Remember those tricky, similar-looking options we talked about? Here's where you show them who's boss. Start by identifying the options that are clearly wrong. Cross them out, mentally or physically. What you're left with is a narrowed-down list, making it easier to spot the right answer. It's like cleaning up a cluttered room and finding that precious item you've been searching for. It's there; you just have to uncover it.


3. Embrace Your Inner Detective (Again!): Use Context Clues

No, we're not repeating ourselves. Here's another chance to don your detective hat. The text surrounding the question is filled with hints and clues that can guide you to the right answer. Think of it as a breadcrumb trail. Follow it, analyze it, and let it lead you to the truth. You don't have to guess; the text itself whispers the answer to you if you listen closely.


Now, if you're thinking, "These strategies sound great, but I could use some more guidance," we've got something special for you. Our comprehensive IELTS Reading eBooks will walk you through each of these steps in vivid detail. It's like having a personal coach, explaining, demonstrating, and encouraging you every step of the way.


Imagine acing those Multiple Choice Questions with confidence and ease. With these strategies and our eBooks, that dream can become your reality.


Are you excited to try these out? We're right here with you, cheering you on, believing in your potential, and eagerly waiting to celebrate your success in the IELTS Reading exam!

Real Test Example

Here's an excerpt straight from Cambridge IELTS – 18, Academic paper, and it's not just for reading! We'll be pairing it with actual multiple-choice questions from the IELTS Reading exam to give you a genuine taste of what awaits you on test day.


The passage below explores 'Living with Artificial Intelligence.' From chess-playing AIs to the potential of artificial general intelligence (AGI), this piece will guide you through the astonishing achievements, ethical dilemmas, and possible futures of AI. It's a remarkable insight that might make you question what it means to be human!


But wait, we're not stopping at the text! Below the passage, you'll find six multiple-choice questions exactly as they appeared in the exam. Here's a challenge for you: Can you match the writer's thoughts with the correct answers? Give it a go and see how you fare. This is your chance to experience the IELTS Reading section like never before.


Living with artificial intelligence

Powerful artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be reliably aligned with human values, but does this mean AI will eventually have to police those values?


This has been the decade of AI, with one astonishing feat after another. A chess-playing AI that can defeat not only all human chess players, but also all previous human-programmed chess machines, after learning the game in just four hours? That’s yesterday’s news, what’s next? True, these prodigious accomplishments are all in so-called narrow AI, where machines perform highly specialised tasks. But many experts believe this restriction is very temporary. By mid-century, we may have artificial general intelligence (AGI) – machines that can achieve human-level performance on the full range of tasks that we ourselves can tackle.


If so, there’s little reason to think it will stop there. Machines will be free of many of the physical constraints on human intelligence. Our brains run at slow biochemical processing speeds on the power of a light bulb, and their size is restricted by the dimensions of the human birth canal. It is remarkable what they accomplish, given these handicaps. But they may be as far from the physical limits of thought as our eyes are from the incredibly powerful Webb Space Telescope.


Once machines are better than us at designing even smarter machines, progress towards these limits could accelerate. What would this mean for us? Could we ensure a safe and worthwhile coexistence with such machines? On the plus side, AI is already useful and profitable for many things, and super AI might be expected to be super useful and super profitable. But the more powerful AI becomes, the more important it will be to specify its goals with great care. Folklore is full of tales of people who ask for the wrong thing, with disastrous consequences- King Midas, for example, might have wished that everything he touched turned to gold, but didn’t really intend this to apply to his breakfast.


So we need to create powerful AI machines that are ‘human-friendly’- that have goals reliably aligned with our own values. One thing that makes this task difficult is that we are far from reliably human-friendly ourselves. We do many terrible things to each other and to many other creatures with whom we share the planet. If superintendent machines don’t do a lot better than us, we’ll be in deep trouble. We’ll have powerful new intelligence amplifying the dark sides of our own fallible natures.


For safety’s sake, then, we want the machines to be ethically as well as cognitively superhuman. We want them to aim for the moral high ground, not for the troughs in which many of us spend some of our time. Luckily they’ll be smart enough for the job. If there are routes to the moral high ground, they’ll be better than us at finding them, and steering us in the right direction.


However, there are two big problems with this utopian vision. One is how we get the machines started on the journey, the other is what it would mean to reach this destination. The ‘getting started’ problem is that we need to tell the machines what they’re looking for with sufficient clarity that we can be confident they will find it – whatever ‘it’ actually turns out to be. This won’t be easy, given that we are tribal creatures and conflicted about the ideals ourselves. We often ignore the suffering of strangers, and even contribute to it, at least indirectly. How then, do we point machines in the direction of something better?


As for the ‘destination’ problem, we might, by putting ourselves in the hands of these moral guides and gatekeepers, be sacrificing our own autonomy – an important part of what makes us human. Machines who are better than us at sticking to the moral high ground may be expected to discourage some of the lapses we presently take for granted. We might lose our freedom to discriminate in favour of our own communities, for example.


Loss of freedom to behave badly isn’t always a bad thing, of course: denying ourselves the freedom to put children to work in factories, or to smoke in restaurants are signs of progress. But are we ready for ethical silicon police limiting our options? They might be so good at doing it that we won’t notice them; but few of us are likely to welcome such a future.


These issues might seem far-fetched, but they are to some extent already here. AI already has some input into how resources are used in our National Health Service (NHS) here in the UK, for example. If it was given a greater role, it might do so much more efficiently than humans can manage, and act in the interests of taxpayers and those who use the health system. However, we’d be depriving some humans (e.g. senior doctors) of the control they presently enjoy. Since we’d want to ensure that people are treated equally and that policies are fair, the goals of AI would need to be specified correctly.


We have a new powerful technology to deal with- itself, literally, a new way of thinking. For our own safety, we need to point these new thinkers in the right direction, and get them to act well for us. It is not yet clear whether this is possible, but if it is, it will require a cooperative spirit, and a willingness to set aside self-interest.


Both general intelligence and moral reasoning are often thought to be uniquely human capacities. But safety seems to require that we think of them as a package: if we are to give general intelligence to machines, we’ll need to give them moral authority, too. And where exactly would that leave human beings? All the more reason to think about the destination now, and to be careful about what we wish for.


Here are the questions and correct answers to check yourself against. No peeking until you've answered them all! Remember, practicing under real exam conditions can give you the edge you need to reach that band 9.


Questions 1-6

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.


  1. What point does the writer make about AI in the first paragraph?

A   It is difficult to predict how quickly AI will progress.

B   Much can be learned about the use of AI in chess machines.

C   The future is unlikely to see limitations on the capabilities of AI.

D   Experts disagree on which specialised tasks AI will be able to perform.


   2. What is the writer doing in the second paragraph?

A   explaining why machines will be able to outperform humans

B   describing the characteristics that humans and machines share

C   giving information about the development of machine intelligence

D   indicating which aspects of humans are the most advanced


   3. Why does the writer mention the story of King Midas?

A   to compare different visions of progress

B   to illustrate that poorly defined objectives can go wrong

C   to emphasise the need for cooperation

D   to point out the financial advantages of a course of action


   4. What challenge does the writer refer to in the fourth paragraph?

A   encouraging humans to behave in a more principled way

B   deciding which values we want AI to share with us

C   creating a better world for all creatures on the planet

D   ensuring AI is more human-friendly than we are ourselves


   5. What does the writer suggest about the future of AI in the fifth paragraph?

A   The safety of machines will become a key issue.

B   It is hard to know what impact machines will have on the world.

C   Machines will be superior to humans in certain respects.

D   Many humans will oppose machines having a wider role.


   6. Which of the following best summarises the writer’s argument in the sixth paragraph?

A   More intelligent machines will result in greater abuses of power.

B   Machine learning will share very few features with human learning.

There are a limited number of people with the knowledge to program machines.

D   Human shortcomings will make creating the machines we need more difficult.


These are the correct answers:

  1. C

  2. A

  3. B

  4. D

  5. C

  6. D

Answers with Explanations

Let's break down each question, detailing the correct answers and explaining the distractors.


Question 1:

Correct Answer: C - "The future is unlikely to see limitations on the capabilities of AI."



The first paragraph of the text lays out a variety of astonishing feats achieved by AI, from chess-playing capabilities to the expectation of artificial general intelligence (AGI) – machines with human-level task performance. The discussion of AGI suggests that current limitations on AI's capabilities are likely to be temporary, indicating a future with few or no limits on what AI can accomplish.



A: While the text mentions astonishing feats, it doesn't specify or predict the speed of future advancements, making this a distractor.

B: The paragraph does mention a chess-playing AI, but it doesn't go into what we can learn from this achievement beyond showcasing AI's capabilities.

D: There's no mention of any disagreements or disputes over specialized tasks; the focus is on accomplishments and potential.


Question 2:

Correct Answer: A - "explaining why machines will be able to outperform humans."



The second paragraph specifically looks at the potential for machines to outperform humans, providing reasons such as the lack of physical constraints that human brains have. By contrasting the biological limitations of human brains with the potential physical capabilities of machines, the text makes a strong argument for why machines might surpass human performance in various tasks.



B: While the paragraph discusses the potential of machines, it doesn't make a detailed comparison between human and machine characteristics.

C: Although the development of machine intelligence is a theme, the primary focus here is on why machines might outperform humans, rather than on how they will develop this intelligence.

D: The paragraph does not identify or list specific human aspects that are most advanced; it concentrates on the limitations of human brains and the possibilities for machines.


Question 3:

Correct Answer: B - "to illustrate that poorly defined objectives can go wrong."



The text refers to the story of King Midas to emphasize the importance of carefully defining goals and objectives. King Midas's wish to turn everything he touched into gold led to disastrous results because he didn't think through the consequences. This serves as a metaphor for the importance of setting clear and well-defined objectives, particularly in the context of AI.



A: The King Midas story isn't about comparing different visions of progress but highlights the dangers of unclear goals.

C: There's no mention of cooperation or collaborative efforts in the part of the text that refers to the King Midas story.

D: The focus of the story in this context isn't about financial advantages but rather about the potential pitfalls of poorly defined wishes or objectives.


Question 4:

Correct Answer: D - "ensuring AI is more human-friendly than we are ourselves."



The fourth paragraph explores the challenge of making AI "human-friendly," meaning that it aligns with human values. The complexity lies in the fact that humans are not always consistent with their values or friendly towards one another. Therefore, the task of creating AI that is better aligned with shared values, and more consistent than humans, is emphasized as an essential goal.



A: The paragraph doesn't seek to encourage more principled human behavior, but rather focuses on the challenge of making AI align with human values.

B: While shared values are a theme, the focus is not on deciding those values between AI and humans but on ensuring that AI is aligned with them.

C: The idea of creating a better world for all creatures is not the central point of this paragraph, and the focus is more on the alignment of AI with human values, despite human fallibility.


Question 5:

Correct Answer: C - "Machines will be superior to humans in certain respects."



The fifth paragraph highlights the possibility that machines might become ethically and cognitively superior to humans in certain areas. It isn't about machines being universally better, but it focuses on specific aspects where machines might surpass human ability, such as in consistency, accuracy, or unbiased decision-making.



A: The paragraph doesn't discuss the safety of machines as its central theme but rather their potential superiority in specific respects.

B: The difficulty of predicting the impact of machines is not the main focus here. Instead, the paragraph considers the idea of machines being superior in certain ways.

D: There's no discussion of opposition to machines in this particular paragraph, so this option does not accurately reflect the content.


Question 6:

Correct Answer: D - "Human shortcomings will make creating the machines we need more difficult."



The sixth paragraph centers around the challenges of developing machines that can be better than us morally, given our own human shortcomings. It's an acknowledgment of the fact that programming ethical behavior into machines is complicated by our own inconsistencies and imperfections.



A: The paragraph doesn't discuss abuses of power by more intelligent machines, so this option isn't relevant to the main point.

B: The text does not make a claim that machine learning will share few features with human learning, so this distractor doesn't apply.

C: There's no discussion about a limited number of people having the knowledge to program machines, so this option does not pertain to the paragraph's central theme.


Explore more detailed discussion in our specially crafted eBooks for IELTS, designed to empower you with in-depth knowledge on all the key modules: Writings, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar, and Vocabulary. Created by former IELTS examiners, these eBooks provide step-by-step guidance, practice exercises, and proven strategies to help you achieve your desired band score. Dive into a comprehensive learning experience and let our eBooks become your trusted companions on your path to IELTS success. Click here to grab your copy now!

Special Tips to Improve in Multiple Choice Questions

This time, we're not just discussing how to get them right; we're focusing on how you can keep improving. Think of these as insider secrets, the little extra sparks that can light up your path to success. Ready to dive into these gems? Here we go!


1. Practice Makes Perfect: Or Does It Make Confidence?

"You've heard it a thousand times, but let's give it a new twist. Practicing regularly isn't just about perfection; it's about building confidence. Each time you solve a Multiple Choice Question, you're not just getting it right or wrong; you're learning. You're growing. You're understanding the pattern, the rhythm, and you're dancing to the beat. Practice is your dance partner, leading you, teaching you, and making you confident on the dance floor of the IELTS Reading exam. So, put on those dancing shoes and waltz through those questions with grace.


2. Your Mistakes: The Golden Lessons

Let's talk about something very personal: your mistakes. They're not failures; they're golden lessons wrapped in disguise. When you get a question wrong, don't just shrug it off. Dive into it. What went wrong? Was it the time? The confusing options? The panic? Whatever it was, it's a treasure trove of insight. Reviewing your mistakes is like having a conversation with yourself. It's asking, "What can I do better next time?" and answering, "Here's how." Embrace those mistakes, learn from them, and turn them into stepping stones toward your success.


Now, are these tips starting to feel like your own? They should, because they're not just tips; they're your companions, your allies, in your IELTS Reading journey. They're not about what we think you should do; they're about what you can do to unlock your full potential.


We're excited to see you grow, evolve, and succeed. These Multiple Choice Questions won't know what hit them when you walk into that exam room, armed with practice, wisdom from mistakes, and a confidence that shines.


Ready to conquer the world, one Multiple Choice Question at a time? We know you are, and we can't wait to hear about your success!


As we wrap up, we want to remind you that your IELTS success is within reach, and we're here to help you grab it! Our extensive collection of IELTS eBooks is designed to be your trusty sidekick, guiding you through every twist and turn of the exam. From Grammar to Speaking, from strategy to practice, we've got everything you need in one place. Don't let uncertainty hold you back; explore our eBooks now and make your IELTS journey a rewarding experience!

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